Our Company
Human health is an individual personal asset, that requires utmost attention. In this respect we take care for this individualized health and fully address ourself to this guiding vision in respect to our care systems, developments and individualized products.
Physical health is the baseline for high quality of life. We are dedicated to this high esteem and to all efforts made with our products and their development. We take care of the product quality and their ingredients, as well as their individual stake in terms of therapies and their application, which is decisive for the success of each therapy. Therefore we develop individualized health to improve quality of life. Compared with the traditional medicine, a maximum in efficiency and impact of each therapy should create a new type of indivdualized health.
Taking care for the patients is the ultimate goal for the classical medicine. Having a patient means for the practitioner to help people to recover again. This type of medical treatment is the classical type, the pathogenic care.
The opposite of pathogenic care is salutogenic care, taking into account to treat patients that are not patients in the meaning of pathogenic one’s. The salutogenic patients are not suffering on any pathogenic decease, more the less they are healthy.
Pathogenic Care vs. Salutogenic Care differs in how the patient is managing a possible desease in his individual life.
Pathogenic Medicine is derived from the definition of pathogenesis, the development of decease or morbid condition.
This is more or less the condition, a human is called a patient and will furthermore require medical treatment to recover completely.
A classic situation, that a medical treatment will not take place before the patient shows any mobid condition is part of the practitioners diagnosis.
That means, first the human must have a decease first, then the practitioner will try to put the patient back into an non-morbid condition.
The opposite of pathogenic care is salutogenic care.
Standing on the opposite of the classical pathogenic care, salutognic medicine is derived from “salutogenese”, which is not dealing with morbid conditions or deceases.
Salutogenesis (Aron Antonovsky) is taking part of the active life of each individual and focusing on the process of health, living and healing.
In relation to the pathogenic medicine, salutogenic medicine will combine health and decease in one single approach to manage one’s individual health status.
Similar to complementary medicine, individualized medicine can help to compete with each health status and to improve the value of health living and healing.
Therefore a preventive type of medicine can assist to improve salutogenic medicine and the patients quality of health. The combination of preventive medical treatment and salutogenic medicine can reduce the risks of getting a moribid condition or decease.
The salutogenic approach can help to increase patient quality of health.
In the recent years, individualized medicine has become more interesting for health, since it moves the focus of health from reactive to more preventive. Leaving also the status of a one-size-fits-all medicine, to a more personalized and optimized individualization of therapies and drugs.
This will reduce costs in health care treatment, while moving from trial-and error prescription to a safer and more cost effective care system.
In parallel to the change of treatment perspective, the continuous examination of technologies enabling personalized medicine will include the role of health information technology, as well as gene sequencing (the “-omics”) and integration of clinical data will reveal the link between genetic variation, decease and treatment response.
Salutogenese in der Onkologie (Tumortherapie und Rehabilitation. Freiburger Beiträge hrsg. von H.H. Bartsch) Editor(s): Bartsch H.H. (Freiburg i.Br.) Bengel J. (Freiburg) 1997 ISBN: 978-3-8055-6396-3
Gesundheitsentstehung — Konzepte zur Salutogenese Univ.-Doz. Dr. O. Frischenschlager Dr. M. Hexel Dr. W. Kantner-Rumplmair Univ.-Prof. Dr. M. Ringler Dr. W. Söllner Univ.-Doz. Dr. U. V. Wisiak Springer Verlag 1995, ISBN: 978-3-211-82653-9
Individualisierte Medizin: Individualisierte Medizin – BIOTechnikum Informationen zur Individualisierten Medizin und ihren an den Patienten angepassten Therapien. Individualisierte Medizin – unser (Un)Verständnis Prof. Dr. Jürgen Windeler, Leiter des Instituts für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen, Dillenburger Straße 27, 51105 Köln. 2011 Published by Elsevier GmbH.
Concept for new TCM products of food supplements and phytopharmaca: The current profile of the company is a state of the art natural products selling company with a sound level of market share on the Austrian food supplement market. A distinct product portfolio over the last 15 year has been developed and made the company a well known player for qualitative food supplements products. Dr. O. Dinstl, 2004, ISBN: 978-3-656-86373-1, eBook: 978-3-656-86372-4, published by GRINN Verlag